BVO Biological Visceral Osteopathy

The viscera, connective tissue and gliding surfaces (meninges, pleura, peritoneum and pericardium) are involved in daily activity that vary in intensity. For this activity to develop under normal circumstances it is essential that all tissue have a minimum level of mobility, flexibility and elasticity. This ensures neurovascular input that guarantees the supply of nutrients and the withdrawal of cellular waste resulting from digestive, respiratory and circulatory functions.

In the study of the viscera we will find reflective problems that arise as a result of irritative focus on the vertebral axis, mechanical alterations of the suspension system in its musculoskeletal insertions, surgical interventions that modify homeostasis and the position of organs, infectious processes, inadequate nutrients and psychosomatic distress that could be the origin of the aforementioned.

Visceral Therapy

Visceral therapy is an organ manipulation discipline that requires only one tool; the hands. The aim of this therapy is to recover the flexibility and elasticity of affected tissue in order to achieve freer movement and mobility in the areas where restrictions are found.

This alteration is usually accompanied by the loss of function in an organ. Manipulation is done through gentle and constant pressure to resistance, all the while being careful not to cause pain.

Access to the affected area is reached slowly and with precision, reaching the depth that the tissue requires.

This therapy aims to influence the support structures and gliding more than the actual organs themselves. By improving the environment of each organ and its spatial relation with others, we can improve paths of nutrition and waste. This allows the viscera to complete its functions more efficiently and contributes to improved performance throughout the body.

Indications for Visceral Osteopathy

Visceral Osteopathy has numerous applications due to the amount of visceral-somatic or somato-visceral relationships that are found in the body. This provides us with an interesting field of action: digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, urogenital and joint dysfunction, dizziness, vertigo, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety and depression.


Abdominal cavity

  • Innervation.
  • Revision of the Vertebral Axis.
  • Stomach.
  • Liver.
  • Gallbladder.
  • Small Intestine.
  • Large Intestine.
  • Peritoneum.
  • Pancreas.
  • Spleen.
  • Kidney.
  • Ureter.
  • Bladder.
  • Prostate.
  • Gynecology.
  • Psychosomatic relations.

Thoracic cavity

  • Rigid Skeleton:
    – Ribs.
    – Sternum.
    – Shoulder.
  • Soft Skeleton:
    – Pleura.
    – Pericardium.
    – Fascia in the neck.
  • Visceral Skeleton:
    – Bronchi.
    – Lungs.
    – Heart.
  • Psychosomatic Relations.
  • Clinic.

Duration: 36 hours

Price: 600 €

Date: See course calendar

Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm
Sunday from 9 am to 3 pm

Phone: +34 636 40 51 28
