Why studying at International School of Cranial Listening Laloux?

  1. Compacted study format in monographic seminars.
  2. Exclusive and innovative contents of the highest quality.
  3. Practical classes to develop only the most effective techniques.
  4. It offers the possibility of completing all the training in a school year if desired.
  5. Added value: self-treatment learning, since most of the techniques are self-applicable.
  6. All maneuvers are reviewed in a personalized way to improve the student’s confidence, and they are immediately applicable at the end of each seminar.
  7. School with international professors.
  8. It offers the possibility of creating a network of useful contacts at national and international level.
  9. All techniques are perfectly adapted to Cranial Listening.
  10. Our therapeutic work is based on recovering holistic health in the physical, mental and emotional levels, respecting its biology.