ABRT® Animal Brain Release Technique

The ABRT® or Animal Brain Release Technique is the animal world’s adaptation of the BRT® (Brain Release Technique) used for humans.

This technique uses the sensitivity of CO (Cranial Osteopathy) to assess the state of each individual animal’s brain using the bones of the skull.

We use the integration of CO and NGM (New Germanic Medicine) to act on all three levels of the animal: its PSYCHE, its BRAIN and its ORGANS.

This course will demonstrate the key tools that are necessary to accurately locate what are known as Hamer Focus (HF): the region of the brain which controls a specific territory in the body and can be seen with a CT of the brain, where the impact produced by a biological conflict is recorded. The location of HF is found using craniosacral listening techniques and provides us with specific information about the content of the conflict, the affected organ and the stage in which the disease is in (active phase – sympathicotonia or solution phase – vagotonia).

In fact, the most outstanding quality of ABRT® is that it gives us the ability to make contact with organs that cannot be easily accessed and have pathologies. ABRT® does so by contacting, through CO, the brain relays that are associated with these organs, providing for a transition from the active to the solution phase by making a direct impact on the organs as well as the psyche.

The use of CO techniques gives us the opportunity to act on all three levels, PSYCHE – BRAIN – ORGANS, either individually or simultaneously. This provides us with deep access to the patient’s needs, treating their mental level, cerebral short circuit and organic alteration.
In short, this medicine sheds light on and helps us clearly understand how animals feel when they are ill.


  • Craniosacral Therapy applied to New Medicine.
  • The Triangle of Disease.
  • Hamer Focus – Energy Cysts.
  • The 5 Biological Laws.
  • The Two-Phase Law of Illness.
  • Comparative Chart of the Vegetative Nervous System.
  • Listening Techniques: Arcing and Facial Pulling.
  • Locating the Primary Cyst in the Brain and its Effects on the Body.
  • Locating Primary Tension using Facial Pulling.
  • Brain Mapping.
  • Primary cyst in the brain and its body relations
  • Unwinding Techniques.
  • Extended Listening between Cerebral Cysts and Organs.
  • Treatment of Primary Cysts using Extended Listening of the Whole Body.
  • Frequent Biological Conflicts: territory, devaluation, separation, loss, fear.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the skeleton from the cerebral mesoderm in: bones and joints.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the digestive system from the embryonic leaves of the endoderm and ectoderm in: esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and colon.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the genito-urinary apparatus from the endoderm, cerebellar and cerebral mesoderm, midbrain and ectoderm in: kidneys, bladder, gonads, prostate, breasts, uterus and ureters.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the heart from the ectoderm, cerebellar mesoderm and midbrain in: coronary arteries and veins, pericardium, endocardium and valves.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the skin from the cerebellar mesoderm and from the ectoderm.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the endocrine function of the pancreas from the ectoderm.
  • Assessment and harmonization of the hearing (otitis) from the endoderm.
  • Assessment and harmonization of sight (cataracts) from the ectoderm.

Duration: 25 hours

Price: 500 €

Date: See course calendar

Friday and Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm
Sunday from 9 am to 2 pm

Phone: +34 636 40 51 28

E-mail: info@lalouxschool.com